
Survey of international students and students with vocational qualifications launched

For the first time, the Student Life Cycle Panel (SLC) will survey international students as well as students who have acquired a higher education entrance qualification through a vocational qualification. The participants had already taken part in the study The Student Survey in Germany and are now part of an in-depth survey. The focus is on the educational and employment courses of the last years and, if so, (initial) transitions into employment after the graduation. Of particular interest are the experiences from the degree programme, the assessments of further educational and professional opportunities, and the plans for the future.

Important questions are for example:

  • How satisfied are the students (retrospectively) with their studies?
  • In which subjects do most students plan to complete a Master's degree or doctorate?
  • How long does it take to find an appropriate employment after graduating from higher education?
  • How is the regional mobility after the (first) degree?

The SLC accompanies persons with higher education entrance qualifications and higher education graduates on their way through their studies and into the labour market and surveys them regularly over a period of several years – starting with the first survey just before the graduation of school.

As students with vocational qualifications and international students did not acquire their higher education entrance qualification at a (German) school, they could not be accompanied since graduating from school. Instead, they are now being surveyed during or shortly after their degree programme about their higher education experiences, in order to receive reliable results about these important groups of students as well. The survey is designed longitudinally, as it is usual for the other cohorts surveyed, which means that these students are also contacted repeatedly at regular intervals of two years.

This makes it possible to obtain well-founded data and results that not only serve as a basis for decision-making in education policy, but are also used by the scientific community for new insights.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

What questions are being asked?

There is a core set of questions that is presented to all selected persons. For example, the focus is on the chosen education and career paths as well as further plans, but also questions about life goals and experiences in qualification and employment. Personal details such as gender, age, migration background and social origin are also requested, as they represent important background characteristics, e.g. in explaining differences in educational choices.

Somehow the question is not formulated appropriately for me? What should I do?

If possible, please answer all questions. You can point out in the questionnaire (if available in the comment field) what caused you problems when answering or contact us before submitting the questionnaire (slc@dzhw.eu or panel2018@dzhw.eu). In standardised surveys it is unfortunately not always possible to avoid asking very complex issues using an easily understandable wording while foregoing extensive additional explanations.

How often will I be surveyed?

As a (former) international student or student with a vocational qualification, we will survey you a total of four to five times about your educational and occupational development at intervals of two years.

What if I no longer want to participate in the survey?

This is possible at any time. Please contact us by e-mail (slc@dzhw.eu or panel2018@dzhw.eu) or by telephone and let us know your concerns. We will then not contact you again for follow-up surveys.

How can I update my email address?

You can always provide us with your updated contact details by e-mail (slc@dzhw.eu or panel2018@dzhw.eu) or by telephone.

I have deleted my email with the survey link. How can I still participate in the survey?

Please contact us either by e-mail (slc@dzhw.eu or panel2018@dzhw.eu) with your full name or call us.

How is data protection ensured?

The DZHW is obliged to strictly comply with the data protection regulations applicable to the collection and processing of personal data. The evaluation of the collected data is carried out in such a way that it is not possible to draw conclusions about individuals. The survey data will be used exclusively for scientific and not for commercial purposes. Contact details will not be passed on to third parties. You can find detailed information here here.

How do I know if I have won a prize draw?

If we have a valid e-mail address from you, we will contact you in case of a win.